Schuck on a Truck: Logsdon, Norris talk about how QU served as home, family during incredible athletic careers

Quincy University record-setting slugger Lance Logsdon, left, and All-American volleyball player Mattison Norris joined Muddy River Sports Editor Matt Schuckman on the tailgate for an episode of "Schuck on a Truck." | Matt Schuckman photo

QUINCY — The highs and lows — things both Lance Logsdon and Mattison Norris experienced throughout the Quincy University athletic careers — never sidetracked either, largely because of their competitive nature and dogged determination, but also because they had each other. The record-setting slugger for the QU baseball team and the All-American outside hitter for…

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QU’s Norris, Knoblauch receive honorable mention All-American after historic campaign

Quincy University's Mattison Norris, left, and Makayla Knoblauch were named honorable mention All-Americans by the American Volleyball Coaches Association. | Muddy River Sports photo

QUINCY — For the first time in program history, the Quincy University women’s volleyball team has two players mentioned on the All-American lists. Senior outside hitter Mattison Norris and graduate student setter Makayla Knoblauch received honorable mention on the American Volleyball Coaches Association Division II All-American squad after leading the Hawks to their finest season…

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Who’s your Mattie?: Norris delivers emphatic display offensively to power Hawks to regional quarterfinal victory

Senior outside hitter Mattison Norris led the Quincy University women's volleyball team with 15 kills during Thursday night's sweep of Northern Michigan in the quarterfinals of the NCAA Division II Midwest Regional at Pepsi Arena. | Matt Schuckman photo

QUINCY — The adjustments being made to combat the Quincy University women’s volleyball team’s full-throttle attack come as no surprise to outside hitter Mattison Norris. “People are going to scout us,” she said. “People know how to shut us down.” That leaves it to the Hawks to adapt. It didn’t happen in a three-set loss…

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Up before the sun: Offseason commitment to each other and to improving catapults QU women’s volleyball team to remarkable season

Mattison Norris, center, implored the Quincy University women's volleyball players to work out together throughout the summer, setting the stage for the best NCAA Division II season in program history. | Matt Schuckman photo

QUINCY — The 4 a.m. alarms sounding the start of another long, tiring day were necessary, even if they weren’t always welcome. “There were days for sure where we did not want to be in the weight room,” said Makalya Knoblauch, the senior setter on the Quincy University women’s volleyball team. “What’s special about our…

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Norris gives QU women’s volleyball team second consecutive GLVC Offensive Player of the Week

Quincy University senior outside hitter Mattison Norris was named the Great Lakes Valley Conference Offensive Player of the Week after being named the most outstanding player of the Warrior Invitational at Wayne State University in Detroit. | Photo courtesy Max Bennett/QU Athletics

QUINCY — The Quincy University women’s volleyball team is beginning to monopolize the Great Lakes Valley Conference Offensive Player of the Week award. Last week, senior setter Makayla Knoblauch earned the league’s weekly honor when she had 117 assists and 32 digs in a four-game sweep at the Henderson State Tournament. This week, Mattison Norris…

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