Photo gallery: Hannibal, Palmyra square off on wrestling mat

Hannibal’s Tristen Essig wrestles Palmyra’s Tyler Spicknall during their 126 pound match in the Hannibal Pirates and Palmyra Panthers dual Monday in Palmyra.  Mathew Kirby/Herald Whig-Courier Post

Hannibal’s Tristen Essig battles Palmyra’s Tyler Spicknall during their 126-pound match during Monday night’s dual in Palmyra, Mo. | Photo courtesy Mathew Kirby

PALMYRA, Mo. — Coming off highly successful weekends — the Hannibal wrestling team won the Capital City Dual Tournament with seven wrestlers going 5-0, while Palmyra took fourth out of 21 teams at the St. Louis Vianney Tournament with three individual champions — the Northeast Missouri programs went head-to-head Monday night.

The Pirates won the dual 45-30, dominating the lower weights.

Hannibal’s Austin Brown won by pin at 106 pounds, while Reign Creech won by technical fall at 113 and Tristen Essig scored a 13-0 major decision at 126. Also winning by pin were the Pirates’ Noah Young (190) and Ryan Ross (285).

The Panthers were strong in the middle weights. Brayden Pillars scored a pin at 144 pounds, with Collin Arch earning a technical fall at 150. Ashton Hankins won a two-point decision at 175, and Jose Juarez earned a five-point decision at 215.

Freelance photographer Mathew Kirby captured the action at Palmyra High School. Here is a gallery of his images:

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